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And so an aungel us tolde this day,
  With opyn voys and speche expres.

Johannes. ȝa, these be tydynges of ryght gret blys, That oure mayster resyn xulde be; I wyl go renne in hast i-wys, And loke my Lord yf I may se. Petrus. ffor joye also I renne with the, My brother John, as I the say; In hast anon evyn forthe go we,— To his grave we renne oure way.

Hic currunt Johannes et Petrus simul ad sepulcrum; et Johannes prius venit ad monumentum, sed non intrat.

Johannes. The same shete here I se That Crystys body was in wounde; But he is gon, where so ever he be, He lyth not here upon this grownde.

Petrus intrat monumentum, et dicit Petrus,

In this cornere the shete is fownde,
  And here we fynde the sudary
In the whiche his hed was wounde,
  Whan he was take from Calvary.

Hic intrat Johannes monumentum, dicens,

The same sudary and the same shete,
  Here with my syth I se bothe tweyn;
Now may I wele knowe and wete,
  That he is rysyn to lyve ageyn.
Onto oure bretheryn lete us go seyn
  The trewthe ryght hevyn as it is;
Oure mayster lyvythe, the wheche was slayn,
  Allemyghty Lorde and kynge of blys.