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Petrus. No lengere here wylle we dwelle, To oure bretheryn the wey we take; The trewthe to them whan that we telle, Grett joye in hert than wul thei make.

Hic Petrus loquitur omnibus apostolis simul collectis.

Bethe mery, bretheryn, for Crystys sake,—
  That man that is oure mayster so good,
ffrom deth to lyve he is awake,
  That sore was rent upon the rood.

Johannes. As women seyd so have we fownde, Remevyd awey we saw the ston; He lyth no lengere undyr the grownde, Out of his grave oure mayster is gon.

Omnes congregatus Thomas.

We have grett woundyr everychon
  Of these wurdys that ȝe do speke;
A ston ful hevy lay hym upon,
  ffrom undyr that ston how xuld he breke?

Petrus. The trewthe to tellyn it passyth oure witt,
  Wethyr he be resyn thorwe his owyn myght,
Or ellys stolyn out of his pitt
  Be sum man prevely be nyght.
That he is gon we saw with syght,
  ffor in his grave he is nowth;
We cannot tellyn in what plyght,
  Out of his grave that he is browth.