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Hic portabunt corpus versus sepulturam, cum eorum luminibus.

Petrus. Exiit Israel de Egipto, domus Jacob de populo barbaro! Allelujah! Apostoli. Facta est Judea sanctificatio ejus, Israel potestas ejus! allelujah!

Hic angeli dulciter cantabunt in cœlo "allelujah!"

Episcopus. Herke, sere princys, what noyse is alle this?
  The erthe and the eyer is ful of melodye;
I herde never er sweche a noyse now i-wys:
  Con ye outh say what they signefye?
Primus Princeps. I not be my God that of myht meche is;
  Whatsumever they be hougely they crye:
I am aferd there wylle be sumthyng amys,
  It is good prevely among us we spye
Secundus Princeps. Now I have levyd this thre skore yer,
But sweche another noyse herd I never er;
Myn herte gynnyth ogyl and quake for fer,
            There is sum newe sorwe sprongyn I dowte.
Tertius Princeps. Ya that there is, sothly, I say yow,
  The prophetis moder Mary is ded;
The disciplis here beryn in gret aray now,
  And makyn alle this merthe in spyth of oure hed.
Episcopus. ffy on you, lousy doggys, they were better nay;
  Outh, harrow! the devyl is in myn hed.
Ye dodemusyd prynces faste yow aray,
  Or I make avow to Mahound youre bodyes schul blede.
            Now that quene is ded,
The coward knytis in plate,
And the tormentours thryfe schul ye late,
ffaste, harlotys, go youre gate,
            And brynge me that bychyd body, I red.