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Primus Princeps. Dowte you not, sere byschop, in peyne of repref, Ded schal don schame to that body to tho prechours. Secundus Princeps. Sere, I schal geyne tho glaberis or gramly hem gref, Tho teynt tretouris schul tene yif my loke on hem louris. Tertius Princeps. To hurle wyth the harlotys me is ful lef, I schal snarle tho sneveleris wyth rith scharp schouris. Episcopus. Hens than, a develys name! and take me that thef, And bringe me that bygyd body evyn to-fore thes touris, And here disciplis ye slo. Hye you hens, harlotis, at onys, The devyl, boyes, mot breke youre bonys, Go stent me yone body wyth youre stonys: Outh, harrow! al wod now I go!

Hic discendunt Principes cum suis ministris, ut feroci pecucienter petras cum eorum capitibus.

Secundus Princeps. What, devyl, where is this mené? I here here noyse but I se ryth nouth; Allas! I have clene lost my posté, I am ful wo, mad is my thowth. Tertius Princeps. I am so ferd I would fayn fle, The devyl hym spede hedyr me brouth; I renne, I rappe, so wo is me, Wynd and wod wo hath me wrouth! To deye I ne routh. Primus Princeps. A! cowardis, upon you now fy, Are ye ferd of a ded body? I schal sterte therto manly, Alle that company fere I ryth nouth.

Hic saltat insanus adferetrum Mariæ et pendet per manus.

Allas! my body is ful of peyne,
  I am fastened sore to this bere,