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Uxor Noe. Allemyghty God, of his gret grace,
  Enspyre men with hertely wylle,
For to sese of here trespace,
  ffor synfulle levyng oure sowle xal spylle
Synne offendyth God in his face,
  And agrevyth oure Lorde ffulle ylle,
It causyth to man ryght grett manace,
  And scrapyth hym out of lyvys bylle,
          That blyssyd book.
What man in synne doth alle wey scleppe,
He xal gon to helle ful deppe,
Than xal he nevyr after creppe
          Out of the brennyng brook.

I am ȝour wyff, ȝour childeryn these be,
  Onto us tweyn it doth longe,
Hem to teche in alle degré
  Synne to forsakyn and werkys wronge.
Therfore, sere, for love of me,
  Enforme hem wele evyr amonge,
Synne to forsake and vanyté
  And vertu to ffolwe that thei ffonge,
          Oure Lord God to plese.

Noe. I warne ȝow, childeryn, on and alle,
Drede oure lord God in hevy[n] halle,
And in no forfete that we ne ffalle,
          Oure Lord for to dysplese.

Shem. A! dere ffadyr, God forbede
  That we xulde do in ony wyse
Ony werke of synful dede,
  Oure lord God that xulde agryse.
My name is Shem, ȝour son of prise,
  I xal werke aftere ȝour rede,