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And also, wyff, the weylle awyse,
  Wykkyd werkys that thou none brede,
          Never in no degré.

Uxor Seem. fforsothe, sere, be Goddys grace,
I xal me kepe from alle trespace,
That xulde offende Goddys fface,
          Be help of the Trynyté.

Cham. I am Cham, ȝour secunde sone,
  And purpose me be Goddys myght,
Nevyr suche a dede for to don,
  That xuld agreve God in syght.

Uxor Cham. I pray to God me grawnt this bone,
  That he me kepe in suche a plyght,
Mornynge, hevenynge, mydday, and none,
  I to affendyn hym day nor nyght.
          Lord God, I the pray,
Bothe wakynge and eke in slepe,
Gracyous God, thou me keppe,
That I nevyr in daunger crepe,
          On dredffulle domys-day.

Japhet. Japhet, thi iij.^{de} sone, is my name;
  I pray to God, wher so we be,
That he us borwe fro synfulle shame,
  And in vertuous levynge evyrmore kepe me.

Uxor Japhet. I am ȝour wyff, and pray the same,
  That God us save on sonde and se,
With no grevauns that we hym grame,
  He grawnt us grace synne to fle,—
          Lord God, now here oure bone.

Noe. Gracyous God, that best may,
With herty wyl to the we pray,
Thou save us sekyr bothe nyght and day,
          Synne that we noon done.