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The sexte comaundement byddith every man,
  That no wyght lede no lecherous lay,
fforfett never be no woman,
  Lesse than the lawe alowe thi play.
Trespas nevyr with wyff, ne may,
  With wedow, nor with non othyr wyght;
Kepe the clene, as I the say,
  To whom thou hast thi trowth plyght.

Septimum mandatum. "Non furtum facies."

Do no thefte, no thynge thou stele,
  The vij.^{te} precept byddyth the ful sore;
Whylle thou arte in welthe and wele,
  Evylle gett good loke thou restore.
Off handys and dede be trewe evyrmore,
  ffor yf thin handys lymyd be,
Thou art but shent, thi name is lore,
  In ffelde and towne, and in alle countré.

Octavum mandatum. "Non loqueris contra proximum tuum falsum testimonium."

The viij.^{te} precept thus doth the bydde,
  ffals wyttnes loke non thou bere,
The trowthe nevyr more loke that thou hyde,
  With ffals wyttnes no man thou dere.
Nowther ffor love, ne dred, ne fere,
  Sey non other than trowthe is,
ffals wytnes yf that thou rere,
  Aȝens God thou dost grettly amys.

Nonum mandatum. "Non desiderabis uxorem proximi tui, etc."

The ix.^{te} precept of lawe of lyff,
  Evyn thus doth bydde every man,
Desyre not thi neybores wyff,
  Thow she be fayr and whyte as swan,