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And thi wyff brown; ȝitt natt for-than
  Thi neybores wyff thou nevyr rejoyse,
Kepe the clene, as evyr thou can,
  To thin owyn wyff, and thin owyn choyse.

Decimum mandatum. "Non concupisces domum proximi tui, non servum, non ancillam, non bos, non asinum, nec omnia quæ illius sunt, etc."

 The x.^{de} comaundement of God and last is this, Thi neybores hous desyre thou nowth, Maydon, nor servaunt, nor nowth of his, Desyre hem nevyr in wylle nor thowth. Oxe nere asse that he hath bought, Nere no thynge that longyht hym to, Godys lawe must nedys be wrought, Desyre no thynge thin neybore ffro. The vj.^{te} comaundement of lechery Doth exclude the synfulle dede, But theys tweyn last most streytly, Bothe dede and thought thei do forbede. In wylle nere thought no lechory thou lede, Thi thought and wylle thou must refreyn, Alle thi desyre, as I the rede, In clennes of lyff thiself restreyn. ffrendys, these be the lawys that ȝe must kepe, Therfore every man sett welle in mende, Wethyr that thou do wake or slepe, These lawys to lerne thou herke ful hynde. And Godys grace xal be thi ffrende, He socowre and save ȝow in welthe fro woo! ffare welle, gode frendys, for hens wyll I wende, My tale I have taught ȝow, my wey now I goo.

Explicit Moyses.