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HYMNS ON THE MOVEABLE FEASTS. N.B. ?e ? a? Secoud e?pem ?re the tam? as a? Fi? e?. Sundays and Week-days in Advent .... Friday after Septuagesima Sunday. Prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ on Mount Oiivet .................... Friday after Sexagesima Sunday. The Promion of our Lord Jesus Christ. [Part II. 3630 Friday after Quinquagesima Su?lay. The most hoiy Crown of Thorns of our Lord Jesus Christ ............ A?h W'ednesday, no speeial Hymn. [part II. ?.] First Sunday in Lent? and daily till Passion Sunday ................. Friday atler the first Sunday in Lent. The Spear and Nails of our Lord Jesus Chris? ..................... Prlday after the second Sunday in Lent. The mosl holy W'indin? Sheet of our Lord Jesus Christ ............... 10( 106 '101 111 114 114' 11(t 118 121 122 124 126 8? 91 ? 197 11? ILS

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