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26 ,? TABLE OF HYMNS Friday after the third Sunday in Lenk I v?. The most holy Five Wounds of our I Lord Jesus Christ. Hymns ?z on Passion Sunday ...... [pro n. Friday after the fourth Sunday in Lent The most preiouz Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ ..................... [Part II. 347, 34?3 Paa?ion Stmday and through the week. Friday after Passion Sunday. ?ne Seven Dolours of the Ble?ed Virgin Mary ............. [The ?me? Parl II. 376.] Palm-?unday, and lhe Monday, ?uosday, and .Wednesday followln$? az un Pa?lon Sunday .... Hymn ?ung on Palm-Sunday, during i the ProceYlon before Ma? 277. Maunday Thursday, H?mn sung ?lurln! the Proceylon after Ma? a? al Vesper? on the Feaz? of Corpus Christl? 156. good-Prlday? Hymn sung during the Adoration of the Ctus? 278. Hymn of St Francis Xavier, 338. Holy Saturday. For this day, a? for the two prece41n$, them ?re no hymn? in the Oilice of the 1:? 185

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