Page:Macfadden's Fasting, Hydropathy and Exercise.djvu/206

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Wet sheet pack will be referred to in treatments advised and same can be taken as follows: Wet two heavy sheets in cold water: wring them out and lay them on a bed or sofa: let the patient lie on these, then take the top sheet and wrap tightly around the patient under the arms; then take the under sheet and wrap tightly around the patient over the arms. Of course this can be done with one sheet, but it is not quite so advantageous, as the wet cloth does not come in contact with every part of the body. The patient should be allowed to remain there until the cloth is dry, or until he awakes, as it is quite usual for the patient to go to sleep under these circumstances.


Remain in the open air as much as possible. Be very careful to see that whenever indoors that