Page:Macfadden's Fasting, Hydropathy and Exercise.djvu/210

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health is advised. Wet sheet pack will be found of advantage to open the pores of the skin and thus throw off impurities. Two or three hot baths per week, with plenty of soap, should always be taken, and great care should be used at meal times to thoroughly masticate every particle of food eaten. Deep breathing, and long walks will be found to advantage. There are two processes of treating boils: One is to "feed up" and thus more hurriedly bring the boil to a head, and another is, in case it is not too far advanced, to adopt a very abstemious diet and thus cause it to be absorbed into the circulation. If too far advanced, the former method is, of course, preferable.

Brights Disease:

Same treatment as in Bladder Disease, though the necessity for the extreme abstemious diet is much stronger in this disease than in the other; in fact about the quickest way to cure a disease of this character is an absolute and protracted fast. By living very abstemiously, and avoiding all stimulants and meats the incipient phases of Bright's Disease can always be brought to a satisfactory cure.