Page:Macfadden's Fasting, Hydropathy and Exercise.djvu/216

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thoroughly enjoyed. The entire system of exercises illustrated in this book should be taken until slightly fatigued. Take long walks in the open air, and see that you breathe pure air at all times. Open the windows of your sleeping-room, both top and bottom, from six to twelve inches.


One meal per day. Avoid all meat and white bread. Take long walks in the open air, with plenty of deep breathing exercises. The entire system of exercises illustrated herewith once daily, taking each movement until slightly fatigued. One cold sitz bath daily, which should be followed by wet sheet pack.


One meal per day for the first week. Stay in the open air all you possibly can. Take all the exercises here illustrated, using each one until slightly fatigued. If symptoms are especially severe, wet sheet pack should be taken once daily.


Wet sheet pack upon the first appearance of the trouble. Fast until strong desire for food appears, then confine diet to one meal per day for a few days. Use exercises numbers 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 15 after symptoms begin to dis-