Page:Macfadden's Fasting, Hydropathy and Exercise.djvu/220

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to not more than two meals a day, and great care should be taken not to overeat. At the last meal it would be advisable to eat freely of lettuce, dressed with oil and lemon-juice, with salt to taste.


Same treatment as for Biliousness.

Kidney Disease:

Same treatment as in Bladder Diseases.

Liver Disease:

Same treatment as for Biliousness.


Take exercises numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 14, 16 and 17. Apply hot and cold cloths alternately to the affected parts twice per day, until the severe symptoms begin to disappear. Be careful not to overeat, and confine diet to one or two meals per day, masticating very thoroughly.


Treatment for this trouble simply requires a course for building up the general health. The entire system of exercises here illustrated should be taken daily, each movement being continued until slightly fatigued. Long walks in the open air are advisable, unless too weak, though pure air should be procured at all times. A sitz bath,