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APRIL — JUNE, 1857.] Descriptions ofneioCeylon Coleoptera. 57

the exception of the central furrow between every 2 larger costae) tliinly pubescent.

It just strikes me that this sculpture of the elytra may occur in other Galeeitid^e. If so, the insufficiency of my means to ascer- tain this fact with certainty, must plead my excuse for attaching un- due importance to it. ^However, I should in this event, consider my books of reference, none of which say anj thing to that effect, greatly (and indeed more than myself) in fault, for not alluding to it, as in my opinion it is sufficiently peculiar to be mentioned.

After this lengthy preamble I shall have but a few words to say in finishing the description of the species.

45. Heteroglossa elegans. N,

H. supra rufo-castanea, capite obscuriore, maculis 2 humerali- bus obsoletissimis ferrugineis ; subtus dilutior, pedibus antennis oreque subtestaceis, elytris ad angulos apical, extern, testaceis ; long, corp, 3J lin.

In lacus Colombensis ripis, sub vegetab. putrescent, non infre- quenter cepi.

An agile, pretty little insect of chocolate color, and with the ge- neral features of the family. Head smooth, polished, above and below slightly punctured, with 2 impressions in front of the eyes, anterior angles of labrum rather acuminated. Thorax deeper and more densely punctured than the head and with the elytra thinly hirsute, rather strongly emarginated in front, less so behind; sides, especially at the basal angles, depressed, divided longitudinally by a deep furrow. Scutellum, like thorax punctured and hairy. Elytra with the inner apical angle right and the outer rounded off, large- ly punctured within the margin especially near the apex. Tibiae with a row of larger spines down the outer and a row of smaller ones down the inner side, 4-calcarate at the apex, the 2 inner spurs larger. ^

46. Heteroglossa rujicollis. N,

H. colore praecedentis sed obscurior, thorace pectoreque rufo-tes- taceis, antennis art. 3 primis nigrescentibus ; long. corp. 4 J lin.