Page:Madras journal of literature and science vol 2 new series 1857.djvu/68

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Descriptions of new Ceylon Coleoptera.
[no. 3, new series.

Cum præcedente sed rarius et per occasionem nocte ad lumen cepi.

The shape of the body is quite that of the former but the insect is larger. The head is less distinctly punctured than in the former and there is an additional impression in the middle of the forehead. The thorax is also less deeply punctured, but the divisional furrow is more so than in the preceding species. The anterior tibiæ appear somewhat less deeply notched. There is nothing else to add to the description that has not been pointed out already.

47. Heteroglossa bimaculata. N.

H. subcastanea, thorace capiteque rufo-testaceis, elytris medio maculis 2 flavis pictis, pedibus abdominisque apice testaceis; long. corp. 5½ lin.

Ubi præcedentes infrequentissime legi.

Head, with the exception of the forehead, deeply punctured, with 2 impressions in front of the eyes, anterior angles of labrum rounded. Thorax densely and deeply punctured, with elytra thinly pubescent. The latter with a round yellow spot at the middle of each.

48. Chlanius princeps. N.

C. aureo-viridis, scutello cupreo, elytris nigro-viridibus ad basin et infra marginem viridibus, sutura nigra, subtus piceus, coxis trochanteribusque 4 ant. dilutioribus, femoribus trochanteribusque 2 post. testaceis, tibiis tarsisque obscurioribus, ore antennisque brunneis, labro, mandibulis limboque castaneis; capite obsolete ruguloso, punctulato; antennis art. 3° quarti prope longitudine; menti dente forti laciniis apice rotundatis; thorace ovato-quadrato, latitudine parum longiore, angulis ant. subrectis, post, rotundatis, basi forti- ter 2-impresso, punctato; scutello canaliculato; elytris striatis, in striis punctatis, ad strias, prsesertim apicem versus, tenuiter pilosis; long. corp. 8 lin., lat. 3 lin.

Specimen singulum f. prope Colombo sub-lapidibus cepi.

A very handsome species, distinguished by its size and comparatively great breath. The clypeus is impressed with 2 setigerous pits near the ant. corners. The labrum is transverse, slightly sinu