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to take Lucy to her. Her silvery hair would be Lucy’s shield. He was sure she would take care of her as of her daughter. He intended to take her there soon, even that day, right away, if she only wanted. . . .

Lucy looked with clouded eyes at one spot: at his hand which was nervously twitching upon the table. Without a word, she suddenly seized it, pressed it to her lips, and sobbed out loud.

The door was softly opened, and the old madam looked discretely into the room.

“I knocked at least five times, so pardon me for interrupting you. I just wanted to say a few words to you, sir. . . .

“And I to you,” Jiří answered. “We shall both leave together this evening, the young lady and I, forever.”

“So there will be a wedding?”

“No, no,” Lucy quickly answered, her face and neck burning.