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a womanly way as befits her sex; I cannot have thee shed much blood, I cannot become a wall of division.[1] When they come, slay the bridegroom without killing his armies. To do true justice makes even a dry tree green.

527. "'Thus do, my lion, most excellent of all heroes[2]; slay the bridegroom stealthily, take not soldiers, slaughter not his armies like cattle or asses; how can a man bear the burden of much innocent blood!

528. "'When thou hast killed him, tell thy lord, my father, say to him: "I could never let India be food for the Persians; it is mine own heritage, never will I give up even an ounce[3] of it; if thou wilt not leave me in peace I will make a wilderness of thy city!"

529. "'Say not that thou wantest my love or desirest me, so will the righteousness of thy deed seem the greater; the king will then entreat thee in the most desperate and abject manner;[4] I shall give myself into thy hands, reigning together will suit us."'

530. "This counsel and advice pleased me exceedingly; I boasted that I would wield my sword for the slaying of my foes. Then I rose to depart. She began to entreat me to sit down; I longed to do so, but could not bring myself to clasp and embrace her.

531. "I tarried some time, (then) I left her, but I became like one mad; Asmat'h went in front of me; I shed hot tears; my grief increased a thousandfold, my joy was reduced to one; then I went unwillingly away, and so I went slowly.

532. "A man came. 'The bridegroom cometh,' announced he; but, wretched man! he knew not what God was preparing for him. The king looked pleased, he spoke no woeful words; he bade me sit near him; 'Come,' said he, and inclined his head.

533. "He said to me: 'For me this is a day of joy and merriment. Let us celebrate the wedding, since it is

  1. Source of strife.
  2. Gmiri.
  3. Drama, Gr., 3.24 grammes. Cf. 371, 573, 903, 1214.
  4. Qel-motekhit'h, broken-necked. The Georgian gesture of entreaty is to throw back the head and lay two fingers on the throat.