Index:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu

Title The Man in the Panther's Skin
Author Shot'ha Rust'haveli
Translator Marjory Wardrop
Year 1912
Publisher Royal Asiatic Society
Location London
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded


Introductory Quatrains (1) 1
I. Story of Rostevan, King of the Arabs (32) 6
II. The Seeing by the King of the Arabs of the Knight clad in the Panther's Skin (84) 15
III. Here is the Letter of Avt'handil to his Knights (164) 28
IV. Departure of Avt'handil in Quest of Tariel (176) 30
V. The Telling of his Tale by Tariel when he first told it to Avt'handil (300) 49
VI. Tale of Tariel's falling in Love when he first fell in Love (328) 53
VII. First Letter written by Nestan-Daredjan to her Lover (363) 59
VIII. First Letter written by Tariel to his Beloved (367) 59
IX. Tariel writes a Letter and sends a Man to the Khatavians (373) 60
X. The Letter written by the King of the Khatavians to Tariel in Reply (387) 63
XI. Letter of Tariel to the King of the Indians when he triumphed over the Khatavians (448) 72
XII. Letter of Nestan-Daredjan written to her Beloved (477) 76
XIII. Tariel's Letter in Answer to his Beloved (487) 78
XIV. Tariel hears Tidings of the Loss of Nestan-Daredjan (551) 87
XV. Story of Nuradin P'hridon when Tariel met him on the Seashore (574) 91
XVI. Tariel's aid to P'hridon, and their Victory over their Foes (596) 94
XVII. P'hridon tells Tariel Tidings of Nestan-Daredjan (605) 96
XVIII. Story of Avt'handil's return to Arabia after he had found and parted from Tariel (654) 103
XIX. Avt'handil's Request to King Rostevan, and the Vizier's Discourse and Entreaty (710) 113
XX. Avt'handil's Discourse with Shermadin when he stole away (755) 120
XXI. Testament of Avt'handil to King Rostevan when he stole away (769) 122
XXII. Avt'handil's Prayer in the Mosque and his Flight (790) 126
XXIII. King Rostevanhears of Avt'handil's Secret Flight (795) 127
XXIV. Avt'handil's Second Departure and Meeting with Tariel (811) 130
XXV. Here is the Going of Tariel and Avt'handil to the Cave, and their seeing of Asmath (894) 143
XXVI. The Going of Avt'handil to P'hridon's to meet him at Mulghazanzar (931) 149
XXVII. Avt'handil's Arrival at P'hridon's when he had parted from Tariel (948) 152
XXVIII. Avt'handil's Departure from P'hridon to seek NestanDaredjan (1004) 161
XXIX. Story of Avt'handil's Arrival in Gulansharo (1039) 167
XXX. Avt'handil's Arrival at P'hatman's; her Reception of him and her Joy (1054) 170
XXXI. P'hatman becomes enamoured of Avt'handil; writes him a Letter and sends it (1059) 171
XXXII. The Letter of Love written by P'hatman to Avt'handil (1063) 172
XXXIII. Avt'handil's Letter in Answer to P'hatman's (1073) 173
XXXIV. Here is the Slaying of the Chachnagir and his Two Guards by Avt'handil (1093) 177
XXXV. P'hatman tells Avt'handil the Story of Nestan-Daredjan (1099) 178
XXXVI. Story of the Capture of Nestan-Daredjan by the Kadjis, told by P'hatman to Avt'handil (1191) 193
XXXVII. Letter written by P'hatman to Nestan-Daredjan (1248) 202
XXXVIII. The Letter written by Nestan-Daredjan to P'hatman (1262) 205
XXXIX. The Letter written by Nestan-Daredjan to her Beloved (1269) 206
XL. Avt'handil's Letter to P'hridon (1294) 210
XLI. Avt'handil's Departure from Gulansharo, and his Meeting with Tariel (1303) 212
XLII. Tariel and Avt'handil go to P'hridon (1350) 219
XLIII. The Council of P'hridon, Avt'handil and Tariel as to the Assault on the Castle of Kadjet'hi (1369) 222
XLIV. The Going of Tariel to the King of the Seas and to P'hridon's (1404) 228
XLV. The Wedding of Tariel and Nestan-Daredjan by P'hridon (1439) 235
XLVI. Tariel goes again to the Cave and sees the Treasure (1468) 239
XLVII. Here is the Marriage of Avt'handil and T'hinat'hin by the King of the Arabs (1525) 248