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I can no longer look on thy tears, the world itself vanishes; sometimes speech is better than silence, sometimes by speaking we spoil (things). I shall speak; if I die it matters not,[1] my life[2] will be sacrificed for thee."

734. When the vizier had said this he arose and went to the palace. He saw the king arrayed; the sunlike[3] face looked straight upon him. He was afraid, he dared not tell him unpleasing news; perplexed[4] he stood, he thought not on warlike matters.

735. The king saw the vizier struck dumb by sadness. He said: "What grieves thee? What knowest thou? Why art thou come sad?' He answered: 'I know nothing at all, but I am indeed wretched.[5] You will be justified in slaying me when you hear the astounding news.

736. "My mourning neither adds to my grief nor surpasses[6] it; I am afraid, though an envoy has no care for fear. Now Avt'handil bids thee farewell, he entreats, he wrangles not; (he says that) for him the world and life are nought without yon knight."

737. With timorous tongue he told him all he knew. He added, thereafter: "How canst thou know by such words in what a plight I saw him and how his tears flowed? Though you should let your wrath fall forthwith on me, you are just."

738. When the king had heard this he was wroth, he lost his senses, his colour waned and he became terrible, he would have terrified onlookers. He cried: "What has made a madman of thee? Who else would have related this? It is the choice of a bad man to learn early[7] what is evil.

739. "Traitor-like,[8] thou hast told me of this as if it were a merry matter; what more could anyone do to me save slay me faithlessly, treacherously?[9] Madman, how couldst thou employ thy tongue to dare to speak thus to

  1. 118.
  2. Mze, sun.
  3. Ch.; ? he looked like the sun.
  4. Daqrit'h, Ch., thoughtful, modest, respectful; 1007.
  5. T'havisa vebuli, 392.
  6. Didobs, ? multiplies.
  7. ? before anybody else.
  8. Ghadari, ? A.
  9. Ghadrad, but Car. reads adrad, early; ? mukhtalad, synonym of ghadrad.