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1108. "They beached the boat; they landed in front of the garden. They looked thither, they looked hither, (to see) if any anywhere observed them, they saw no creature, nothing alarmed them. Secretly I watched them; I was quiet indoors.

1109. "What they landed from the boat in a chest[1]—they took off the lid—was a maiden of wondrous form, who stepped forth; on her head was a black veil, beneath she was clad in green.[2] It would suffice the sun to be like her in beauty.

1110. "When the maiden turned towards me, rays[3] rose upon the rock; the lightning of her cheeks flashed over land and sky; I blinked mine eyes, I could no more gaze on her than on the sun; I closed the curtain of the door on my side; they could not perceive that they were watched.

1111. "I called four slaves who waited upon me; I pointed: 'See what beauty[4] the Indians hold captive! Steal down, go forth, quietly, not racing hastily. If they will sell her to you, give them the price, whatever they may be wanting.

1112. "'If they will not give her to you, let them not take her away, capture her from them, slay them, bring hither that moon, do the errand well, use your best endeavour!' My slaves[5] stole down from above as if they flew: they chaffered, they sold not. I saw the blacks looked right ill pleased.

1113. "I stood at the window; when I saw they would not sell her, I cried: 'Slay them!' They seized them and cut off their heads, they threw them out into the sea; they turned back, they guarded the maiden. I went down to meet her, I took her, she had not tarried long on the seashore.

1114. "How can I tell thee her praise! what loveliness! what delicacy! I swear she is the sun; 'tis untrue that the sun is sun! Who can endure her rays, who can delineate

  1. Cidobani, 608.
  2. 394, 505.
  3. Skhivni, rays, aureole, nimbus on an icon. Cf. bacmi, 226.
  4. Shuki, ray, beam, beauty; 394, 1135, 1163, 1233, 1322.
  5. Qmani here must mean "slaves," not "knights"; 70, 83, 998, 1261.