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1564. Then P'hridon begged leave of him. "I will go home," quoth he; "my foot will oft tread this court and land if thou wilt command me as an elder to a younger. I shall desire thee as the deer the fountain."[1]

1565. As presents for Rostevan, he (Tariel) made him (Avt'handil) take with him beautiful little mantles,[2] also a vessel (full) of cut gems, not spoons(ful), not ladles(ful).[3] "Take them from me, go," quoth he, "disobey me not!" Avt'handil said: "I know not how I shall survive without thee!"

1566. The lady (Nestan) sent to the lady (T'hinat'hin) a little cloak[4] and a veil[5]; who save her[6] was worthy of such garments! A jewel—he who carried it off could not say: "I have carried it in vain!"—at night it gives light like the sun;[7] it is visible wherever thou lookest.

1567. Avt'handil mounted, he departed, he said farewell to Taria, the flame of the fire of separation burned them both; all the Indians wept, the tear moistened the mead. Avt'handil said: "The poison[8] of this world slays me!"

1568. P'hridon and Avt'handil journeyed together for a few days; the road separated them, each went his way weeping; the things they had planned had turned out well for them; Avt'handil came to Arabia, he had not seen troubles in vain.[9]

1569. The Arabs came forth to meet him, he beautified the realm; he saw his sun, the affliction of his desires fled; he sat with her on the throne, he rejoiced at the joy of the onlookers. The Most High from above endued his crown with sovereignty.

1570. Those three sovereigns loved[10] one another, they visited one another, their desires were fulfilled, they that disputed their rule[11] were put to the sword,[12] they enlarged

  1. 885.
  2. Djubacha, 499, dim. of djuba, 218, 465.
  3. Chamcha, Turk.
  4. Qabacha, P., 489.
  5. Ride, 123, 124, 480.
  6. Mat'h, them, pl. maj.; or ? Nestan and T'hinat'hin.
  7. Cf. 1441.
  8. Samsala, 1005; for salame, 1552.
  9. None of his troubles had been in vain.
  10. Ara sdzuldes, hated not.
  11. Shemtzile. Cf. 58, 497, 1502.
  12. Davetsqluldes; tsqluli, wound.