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680. He recounted all his misfortunes and sorrows by the road during the quest. Then he told her how God had thought him worthy to find what he desired. "World, life,[1] man, (all) seems to him as to a beast; alone he roams mad with the brutes, he weeps in the field.

681. "Ask me not, what praise can I speak, how couldst thou understand from me! nothing can please one who has seen him; the eyes of the beholders are weakened as by the brilliance of the sun; the rose is not become saffron, now the violet is gathered in nosegays."[2]

682. He told her in detail what he knew, what he had seen, heard: "Like a panther he has a trail,[3] and for house and abode a cave; a damsel is there ready to cherish him, to maintain his life and bear his sorrows. Alas! Fate[4] makes all dwellers in the world to shed tears!"

683. When the maiden heard this story she had attained the fulfilment[5] of her will; her moon-like face shone as 'twere with radiance at the full. She said: "What answer can I make to give comfort to him, and pleasure,[6] and what is the balm for the healing of his wound?"

684. The knight replied: "Who has confidence in a rash[7] man? He for my sake sacrifices himself to be burned, he who must not be burned. I have appointed the time of my return; I have promised him to sacrifice myself for him. I swear it by my sun whom I contemplate as a sun!

685. "A friend should spare himself no trouble for his friend's sake, he should give heart for heart, love as a road and a bridge.[8] Then, again, the grief of his beloved should be a great grief to a lover. Lo! without him joy is nought to me, and myself I hold of none account."

  1. Sop'hels qop'ha, being in the world.
  2. Ch. says this means, "the pallor of T.'s cheeks is concealed by tears of blood." Another interpretation is, "the rose was not saffron; now it is a nosegay of violets" (?).
  3. Tzavarna, footpath; but Car. suggests Lat. taberna (?).
  4. "World" and "Fate" are often synonyms.
  5. Tsadili, 678.
  6. T'hneba, to please, give pleasure, 877, 1450, 1455.
  7. Momtzkap' havi, one who speaks before he thinks, one who lacks foresight.
  8. Means to aid his friend in the attainment of his ends.