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fall though triple suns shone forth! Here would I dash myself down; the great rocks are very nigh to me. To thee would I commit my soul; perchance wings would be given to me by Heaven.

1280. "Entreat God for me; it may be He will deliver me from the travail of the world and from union[1] with fire, water, earth and air. Let Him give me wings and I shall fly up, I shall attain my desire—day and night I shall gaze on the sun's rays flashing in splendour.[2]

1281. "The sun cannot be without thee, for thou art an atom[3] of it; of a surety thou shalt adhere to it as its zodiac (Leo), and not as one rejected.[4] There shall I see thee; I shall liken thee to it, thou shalt enlighten my darkened heart. If my life was bitter, let my death be sweet![5]

1282. "Death is no longer grievous to me, since it is to thee I commit my soul; but I have laid thy love in my heart, and there it rests. When I think of parting from thee, for me wound is added to wound. Weep not and mourn not for me, O mine own, for love of me!

1283. "Go, betake thyself to India, be of some help to my father, who is straitened by foes, helpless on all sides; comfort the heart of him who suffers separation from me. Think of me weeping for thy sake with undrying tears.

1284. "Whatever complaint I have made against my Fate is sufficient complaint. Know this, that true justice goeth from heart to heart[6]; for thy sake will I die, I shall

  1. M. reads dzrtsoma, to unite, for dzroma, to creep; the latter, the accepted reading, would make "world; fire, water and earth, the air, with reptiles," or "creeping with," etc. Professor Marr's interpretation has been used to a great extent in this and the immediately succeeding quatrains, as in many other parts of the poem.
  2. Quivering with lightning flash.
  3. Tsili, part, fragment.
  4. Tsbili, ? connected with tsba, to suck in. Ch. derives from tsbola, to be put to shame; also, agree, be correlated, 1030. An alternative rendering: "Thou shalt be near (the sun) as his planet, and not be drawn in" (and thus lose thine identity in the solar mass?), 1451.
  5. M. xii., p. xlvii, for analogies in Neo-Platonic writers.
  6. ? that in compensation for Nestan's hard fate Tariel will be favoured by Fate, and thus the balance will be equal. Cf. last line of this quatrain; or, ? "how true and righteous justice affects the heart."