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to the chase, countless soldiers accompanied us, we dismounted on the bank of a stream; the hunting pleased us, for a month we went not away; we killed wild beasts without measure in the plain, on the mountain and on the ridge.[1]

198. "We three brothers shamed the archers with us, so we three vied still one with another: 'I kill best, I am better than thou,' thus each pushed his claim[2] with words; we could not manifest the truth, we wrangled, we strove with one another (none wanted to be last).

199. "To-day we sent away the soldiers loaded with stags' hides. We said among ourselves: 'Let us judge truly who of us is mightier with his arm.' We remained alone, we were private, we killed in our own sight, we shot not before onlookers.

200. "We had three armour-bearers (squires) with us; we ordered the soldiers to go away, mistrusting nought; we hunted over plain, through wood and den,[3] we slaughtered the wild beast, and not even a bird flew up.

201. "Suddenly there appeared a knight,[4] morose and gloomy of visage, seated on a black horse, black as Pegasus[5]; his head and form were clad in a panther's skin with the fur outside,[6] and beauty such as his has ne'er been seen by man before.

202. "We gazed upon his rays, we scarce could support the brightness, we said: 'He is a sun on the earth; we cannot say (there is a sun) in heaven.' We wished to seize him, we were venturesome and tried; this is the cause of our sighs, moans, weeping.

203. "I, the eldest, earnestly begged the man from the younger, my next brother asked for his horse as a keepsake, this one only asked leave to conquer[7] him. We granted him this as his due. As we went towards him he came forward unchanged, calmly and in beauty.

  1. Kedi, 424, 605, 841, 1347.
  2. Vavakilenit'h, from vakili, A., advocate.
  3. Ghre.
  4. Moqme.
  5. Merani. Cf. 96.
  6. 85.
  7. Morevna; 589, momereodes; 1124, morevsa.