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204. "Ruby mingled with crystal beautified[1] the pale roses (of his cheeks). He withered up tender thoughts towards us, he explained nothing, neither did he let us go,[2] he showed not any consideration for us at all, with his whip he ripened us who had spoken tartly to him.

205. "We gave him over to our youngest brother, we elders kept back, he seized upon him (and said): 'Stand!' Thus he spake to him with his tongue. He (Tariel) held no sword in his hand, so we moved away; he struck him on the head with his whip, we saw the blood flow indeed.

206. "With a stroke of his whip he cleft his head thus, like a corpse he became lifeless, like earth he was brought to earth; thus he humbled, levelled with the ground, him who had been audacious to him. Before our eyes he went away, bold, severe and haughty.

207. "He turned not back again; he went away quietly and without haste. Lo! there he rides—look! like the sun and moon." The weeping ones joylessly showed him far off to Avt'handil; there only appeared his black steed carrying along that sun.

208. Behold, it befell Avt'handil that his cheeks need no longer be covered with snow from tears, since he had not passed so much time abroad in vain; when a man attains the thing wished for, when he must find what he sought, then need he no longer remember past woes.

209. He said: "Brothers, I am a wanderer without a place. To seek that knight I have gone far from the home of my upbringing. Now from you I have learned what it was by no means easy to discover. May God never again give you cause to grieve.

210. "As I meet my wish, my heart's desire, so even may God not let your brother suffer." He showed them his resting-place. "Go at your ease,"[3] said he, "give him repose in the shade, rest your weary selves."

211. Thus he spoke and went his way, he spurred[4] on his horse, he flew like a hawk[5] not hindered by the string,

  1. Natiphi, P., 1104, 1312.
  2. Akhsna, dakhsna (?).
  3. Neba nebasa, 106, or slowly.
  4. Dezi, rowel.
  5. Gavazi (P.).