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greatly; they said: "How goeth it with Tariel?" Their eyes roved round seeking him.

1394. None of them knew; they could hear nought of Tariel. They wended to the castle gate, no care had they for the foe; there they saw a bank[1] of armour, shattered chips of sword-blades, the ten thousand guards[2] lifeless, like dust.

1395. All the castle guard lay like sick men, every one wounded from head to foot, their armour rent in pieces, the castle gates open, the fragments of the gates flung aside.[3] They recognized Tariel's handiwork, they said: "This is his doing."[4]

1396. They found the roads prepared, they entered and crept up the passage[5]; they saw: the moon was freed from the serpent to meet the sun[6]; he raised his helmet, his reedy[7] hair thrown back[8] became him (well), breast was glued to breast, neck was riveted to neck.

1397. They (Nestan and Tariel) embraced each other, they kissed and shed tears; they were like when Musht'har and Zual are united.[9] When the sun surrounds[10] the rose they become fair and reflect the rays. They that have hitherto seen griefs will henceforth rejoice.

1398. They kissed each other, they stood neck- welded; again full oft they glued the roses of the opened lips. Now those also (Avt'handil and P'hridon) came forth, the three sworn brothers were gathered together; they gave greeting to that sun, they presented themselves as they were called on.

1399. The sun (Nestan) met them with lovely, laughing face, the proud one kissed her helpers with gentle mien, she humbly gave them thanks with dainty words; both together talked with fair discourse.

  1. Riqe, 1342.
  2. Nobathi, P., 908, 1277.
  3. Sreuli, ? flung down, aside; 322.
  4. Miseuli, 325.
  5. Khvreli, den, cave, cleft, hole, boring, place hollowed out; 1220.
  6. I.e., Nestan was at liberty and united to Tariel—allusion to eclipse of the moon; 1208.
  7. Leli, reeds, sedge, tender straight hair.
  8. Acvra, to do up the hair.
  9. Jupiter and Saturn, 938, 939.
  10. Shemodgoma, to surround, invest.