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us so that we are exhausted,[1] the time of age approaches us,[1] youth has passed from us. We have no son,[2] but we have a daughter whose rays fail us not; we care not[3] for the lack of a son, we are reconciled to that.

493. "'Now we want a husband for our daughter. Where shall we find him to whom we may give our throne, whom we may form in our image, make him ruler of the kingdom, guardian of the realm, that we be not destroyed, that we may not let our enemies whet their swords for us?'

494. "I said: 'How can your heart not feel the want of a son! But she who is like the sun suffices for our hope. Whomsoever you choose as son-in-law, he will rejoice greatly. What more can I say? You yourselves know what will be fitting.'

495. "We began to take counsel on the matter. I tried to keep my heart firm though it was weakened; I said to myself: 'I shall say nothing and can do nothing to hinder this.' The king said: 'There is Khvarazmsha, King of the Khvarazmians,[4] if he would give us his child for ours there is none like him.'

496. "It was clear that they had settled it beforehand; they glanced at each other, their words also were guarded; it was not for me to venture to say anything to hinder them, only I became as earth and cinders; my heart quivered to and fro.

497. "The queen said: 'Khvarazmsha is a king reigning with power. Who could be better than his son for our son-in-law!' How could I dare to dispute since they themselves desired it! I added assent. The day of the overthrow of my soul was fixed.

498. "They sent a man to Khvarazmsha asking for his son. Their message was: 'Our whole realm is without an heir, there is one daughter fit for childbearing, not to be wedded abroad; if thou wilt give us thy son for her, wait not for aught further.'[5]

499. "The man arrived loaded with mantles and veils.

  1. 1.0 1.1 Cf. 36, 1522.
  2. Qma, 63, 1444.
  3. 86, 118, 310.
  4. 389, 1543.
  5. "We want nought else," or, "none other."