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1552. Tariel mounted and parting from the king gave him a farewell greeting; all the soldiers shed tears moistening the meadows, they said: "The sun hastes to greet thee, haste thou too to meet him."[1] He said: "Weeping for your sake, why should I hasten?"[2]

1553. They set out and departed with many troops and much baggage—Tariel, P'hridon, Avt'handil, (all) well provided[3]; he had eighty thousand men with worthy steeds; the three went on, helpful[4] one to another.

1554. The three went their way—God can never create their like again! They were met; none dared withstand them. In the plain[5] they tarried for dinner when morning was past.[6] As was fitting they feasted; they drank wine, not buttermilk.[7]

1555. What Tariel and his wife had desired fell to their lot, seven[8] royal thrones, (seats) of joy, unassailable[9]; this present solace makes them forget their sufferings. A man unacquainted with sorrow cannot find pleasure in joy.

1556. See the two sitting together; even the sun could not be better! They blow the trumpet and proclaim him king, copper drums[10] make the voices sound sweet; they give him the key of the treasuries, they gave themselves into his hands as subjects. "This is our king!" they cried, and they acclaimed him.

1557. They caused two thrones to be prepared for Avt'handil and P'hridon, they sat royally thereon, they extolled their majesty, what other human beings did God create like them! They related their sorrows; they revealed them to all.

1558. They drank, ate, made merry, they increased the

  1. Mas alame, Ch.; Car., masa hlame.
  2. M. Beridze: "Even Sala's weeping is nothing to compare with my weeping for your sake." Sala is alleged to be a hero of romance (? Salaman and Absal), 1316.
  3. T'havit'ha metad cargitha. Cf. t'haviani catzi, a good provider.
  4. Margi, profitable; 19.
  5. Outside Tariel's capital.
  6. Udiladosa; Ch., "before dawn"; T'heimuraz, "when morning was past."
  7. Do.
  8. 301.
  9. Sheutzdeli, ? unattackable, intangibile.
  10. Kosi, P., 703, 1436.