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1466. "This only will I say to him entreatingly and respectfully: that he should give thee his daughter of his free will.[1] Since the end is union, how can you endure separation? Beautify each other; fade not apart."

1467. When Avt'handil knew from Taria that he would not be hindered from going, he ventured not to dispute, he added thereto assent.[2] P'hridon counted over select men as a convoy; he set out with them, of course he travelled the road with them.



1468. This hidden thing Divnos[3] the sage reveals: "God sends good, He creates no evil, He shortens the bad to a moment, He renews (? repeats) the good continuously (? for a long time), His perfect self He makes more perfect, He degrades not Himself."[4]

1469. Those lions, those suns, set out from P'hridon's (country). They lead with them the sun-faced, the maiden, the amazing[5] to beholders; the raven's tail (of her hair), ordered, hangs coiled by the crystal (of her brow or cheek); beauty,[6] tenderness, there adorned the (fine) ruby.[7]

1470. That sun sat in a palanquin, and thus they made her fare. They followed the chase; there caused they blood to flow. Wherever they came upon a land they were

  1. Mogonebit'ha.
  2. Sanbarisa zedan.
  3. Dionysius the Areopagite (cf. also 176) is referred to in M., iv., Odes 1, 2; 3, 17. From this point to the end there are evidently many corruptions and interpolations.
  4. T'havsa missa ucet'hessa uzado hqop'hs might mean: "He makes the pure better for Himself," or "unto Himself"; uzado has the sense of Lat. integer. The passage is obscure. For zadi, cf. 116. For shortness of evil, 1337, 1411, 1485; cf. Migne, Patrologia, vol. cxxii., De divinis nominibus, cap. iv., 1141 C "non igitur ex Deo malum"; 1142 C "malum instabile est."
  5. Amazrzeni, 983, 1248, 1525.
  6. Sinatip'he, Ch., beauty; cf. natip'hi, 1104, 1312, and Marr, iv. r n th.
  7. Badakhshi, 3, 5, 136, 1415.