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wondrous seals.[1] The panegyrist[2] of that wedding would be praised by the sages. O onlooker, thou wouldst have said unto thy heart: "Be not loosed, be bound there!"[3]

1528. The (female) minstrels[4] approached from all sides, there was heard the sound of the cymbal;[5] heaped lies a hillock of gold and cut rubies; for drinkers flows a fountain of wine from a hundred (runlets), like a canal[6]: from twilight to dawn there was noise,[7] the time of morning passed.

1529. None remained without a gift, neither lame[8] nor crippled; pearls rolled to and fro, scattered, thrown about; satin and solid gold were of none account,[9] to be carried away. For three days the King of the Indies was as a groomsman[10] to Avt'handil.

1530. On the morrow the King of the Arabs again entertains; he is not listless.[11] He said to Tariel: "Pleasant it is to gaze on thy sun (Nestan)! Thou art king of all kings, and she queen. It behoves us your footprints (dust of your feet), to pierce our ears for earrings (as slaves) (?).[12]

1531. " Now, O king, it is not fitting that we should sit on a level with you!" The royal throne he (Rostevan) placed for (Tariel), and another couch apart; he placed Avt'handil and his wife lower down, according to their rank.[13] First of all they present gifts for Taria; they lie in a heap.

1532. The King of the Arabs plays the host, he does nothing but entertain; sometimes he approaches these, sometimes those, he stands not upon his royal dignity [14]; he gives, and all praise his ungrudging generosity. P'hridon sits near Avt'handil, as[15] one accustomed to kingship.

1533. The king (Rostevan) did honour to the daughter of

  1. Sika, an obscure phrase.
  2. Makebi-catzi, eulogist, ? poet.
  3. 1270.
  4. Mutribi, A.
  5. Tsintsila, 46, 1100; Marr, iv., r e g, for Syriac form of the word.
  6. Mili, 284, 1435.
  7. Khma; some read sma, drinking.
  8. Codchli, ? A.
  9. Gabedit'heba, annihilate.
  10. Maqari, 416, 600.
  11. Ghap'hali, A., saturp'hali, naterp'hali, 76, 635, 712.
  12. Saqurlad, ? as pillow.
  13. Mat'had stsorad, ? equal to them (Tariel and Nestan), or opposite.
  14. To call himself king.
  15. Vit'h; Car., t'hvit'h.