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stood, his eyes became dazed, he forgot the words he had to say.

963. Avt'handil perceived that this (man) was come to learn news of him. He said: "I beg thee to convey this message to thy lord from me: 'I am a stranger, lonely, far removed from my home,[1] sworn brother to Tariel, sent to you.'"

964. The slave went to P'hridon to tell him his message. He said: "I have seen a sun arrived, he seems like the lightener of day. I think even sages would be maddened if they saw him anywhere. Quoth he: 'I am Tariel's brother (thus come) rudely[2] to join P'hridon.'"

965. When he heard (the name of) Tariel, P'hridon's woes were lightened, from his eyes tears sprang forth, his heart grew more agitated,[3] a blast froze the rose, from his eyelids whirled snowstorms (of tears). They met each other, each was praised by the other, not dispraised.

966. Hastily P'hridon came down from the ridge; he descended to meet (Avt'handil). When he looked on him he said: "If this be not the sun, who is it?" (Avt'handil) outdid the praise (P'hridon) had heard from the slave. They both dismounted; joy made tears gush up.

967. They embraced; they were not shy for being strangers. The knight seems peerless to P'hridon, and P'hridon pleases the knight. Any onlookers who saw them (would) despise the sun. Slay me! if another like them will ever be bargained for or sold in the bazaar.

968. What knights[4] are there like P'hridon! But near him is one whom praises still more befit; the sun makes the planets invisible when they come near; a candle gives no light by day, but its rays shine by night.

969. They mounted their horses and set out for P'hridon's palace. The chase was broken up; they made an end of

  1. Samqopt'ha, haunts, abodes.
  2. Mkisisad, qualifying sheqrad; mkise, 182, 370, 677, 1049. M. Beridze, who has made some valuable suggestions, interprets the phrase: "I am … (come) to join the disconsolate P'hridon."
  3. Auchukda; Ch. gives audughda, boiled, as synonym.
  4. Moqmeni, companions in arms.