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slay me, I shall die. Life is wearisome to me!" She struck herself with a knife, died, fell in a stream of blood.

566. "Why marvel'st thou not to see me alive, unpierced by a lance! Now do to me what befits a bringer of such tidings; by the Most High, deliver from this unbearable life me who have not yet ceased to breathe." Her tears fell piteously, undiminished, unceasing.

567. "'I said: Sister, why should I kill thee, or what is thy fault?[1] What shall I do in return for the debt I owe her? Now I devote myself to seek her wherever rock and water are found.'[2] I became quite petrified; my heart grew like hard rock.[3]

568. "Excessive horror maddened me; fever and trembling came upon me. I said to myself: 'Die not! To lie idle (in the grave) is of no avail; better is it to roam forth to seek her, to run and wander in the fields. Behold the time for thee, who wishest to go with me!'[4]

569. "I went in, I arrayed myself quickly, accoutred I mounted my horse. A hundred and sixty good knights[5] of long service joined me, we passed forth from the gates in order of battle. I went to the seashore, I saw a ship,[6] the skipper saw me apparelled.[7]

570. "I entered the ship, I went out to sea, I cruised amidst the sea. I let no ship from any quarter pass unseen. I waited, but I heard nothing. Mad (as I was) I became still more maddened; God hated me so that He forsook me wholly.

571. "Thus I spent a year—twelve months which were to me like twenty[8]—but I found no man, even in a dream, who had seen her. All those who were attendant upon me were dead and perished. I said: 'I cannot defy God; what He wills even that will I do.'

572. "I was weary of tossing on the seas, so I came ashore.

  1. Or, "art thou indeed in fault?"
  2. I.e., over the whole earth.
  3. Sali, 330, 1005.
  4. This line is not addressed to Asmat'h but to Tariel's followers.
  5. Moqme.
  6. Navi, Lat.
  7. If tzuli is tzulman, it is the shipman who was dressed ready to start.
  8. Gameotza; ? each month was like twenty, but the verb may also mean "to wonder." The passage seems obscure.