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mine eyes upon it, and there in a litter[1] sat the moon; I would have given her the seventh[2] heaven (as habitation[3]).

609. "'Two slaves as black as pitch[4] crept out, they put ashore[5] a maiden, I saw her thick-tressed hair, the lightning that flashed from her—to what colours can it be likened?—would illumine the earth (and) make the sunbeams of no account.

610. "'Joy made me hasten, quiver, stagger. I loved that rose who appeared torn[6] to mine eyes. I resolved to engage them, I said: "Let me go towards them[7]; what creature can fly away from my black (steed)."

611. "'I pressed my horse with my heel. There was a noise and rustling among the rushes. I could not reach her, however much I used the spur; they were gone. I came to the seashore and looked round, she appeared only as a last ray of the setting sun, she went farther away, she was gone from me, therefore was I consumed by flame.'

612. "This I heard from P'hridon; heat was added to my fire. I threw myself down from my horse, I wholly abased myself[8]; with mine own blood shed from my cheeks I anointed myself. Kill me![9] That anyone but I should have seen that tree!

613. "This behaviour of mine astonished P'hridon, it seemed passing strange to him; but he was exceedingly pitiful to me, by weeping he placated me, like a son he soothed me, he pled with me, treated me with deference, and, pearl-like, hot tears sprang from his eyes.

614. "'Alas! what have I, misguided, madly told thee?' I said: 'It matters not, grieve not for that! She was my moon; for her the fire consumes me hotly. Now will I tell thee my tale, since thou thyself wishest to have me as comrade.'

  1. Cidobani, a bread-bin, here stands for box, ark, or litter; cubo, 1402.
  2. Cf. 399, "nine heavens."
  3. What is vetzi?
  4. P'hisani, plural of p'hisa; Gr., 1407.
  5. Gardmosvma, 1109.
  6. Iakhetsa. Cf. aakhetsa, 641; ? whom mine eye perceived.
  7. Tsa, ? a repetition of the tsa in tsavide.
  8. Gavicitzkhe, from gacitzkhva, 1079.
  9. Momcal, 550, 601. The phrase is not clear; ? "If anyone." etc.