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announce (Avt'handil's) arrival; swiftly he fared, in three days he made a ten days' journey. That lion (Avt'handil) rejoiced that he was to see the sun's rival.[1]

662. He sent a message: "O king, proud art thou in might and majesty! I venture to tell thee this thing with fear, respect and precaution: I esteemed myself worthless in that I had learned nought of that knight; now I know and will tell thee all; I come in joy and safety."

663. Rostevan is a king, proud, puissant, imperious, (so) Shermadin delivered all his message in person: "Avt'handil comes to the royal presence having found that[2] knight." The king said: "(Now) I know that which I entreated and prayed for from God."

664. Shermadin made report to T'hinat'hin, that nightless light: "Avt'handil comes to thy presence; he brings thee pleasing news." Thereat, light flashed forth from her, even braver than the sun's. She gave him a gift, and robes to all his people.

665. The king mounted and went to meet the knight who was coming thither, for this (honour) the sun-faced one incurred a great debt (of gratitude); joyous and warm-hearted they met, and some of the multitude of magnates seemed as if drunken.

666. When he approached, the knight alighted and did homage to the king. Rosten, possessed by excess of joy, kissed him. Glad-hearted and merry they entered the royal hall; all there assembled rejoice at the arrival of the knight.

667. Avt'handil, the lion of lions, did homage to her, the sun of suns; there the crystal, rose and jet were beautified by tenderness; her face was brighter than heaven's light; a dwelling-house was no fit abode for them, the sky itself was their (proper) palace.

668. That day they made a feast; drinking and eating they made abundant. The king gazes on the knight, as a tender father on a son. They were both beautified by a

  1. Mocamat'hei.e., T'hinat'hin.
  2. "A certain"—as if Shermadin affected ignorance of Tariel.