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He took me by the hand.… Does it not surprise thee that I live when I remember that time?

329. "I saw the garden fairer indeed than all places of delight: the voice of birds was heard, sweeter than a siren's,[1] there were many fountains of rose-water for baths,[2] over the door were hung curtains of cloth of gold.[3]

330. "The king ordered me to take some wood-partridges[4] and carry them to the maiden. I took them and went to burn myself at a flame. Then I began to pay the debt of Fate. It needs a lance of adamant to pierce a heart of rock.[5]

331. "I knew he wished none to see his sunlike one; I stood outside, and the king went in through the curtain of the door; I could see nothing, I only heard the sound of talk; he commanded Asmat'h to take the partridges from the Amirbar.

332. "Asmat'h drew aside the curtain; I stood outside the curtain. I saw the maiden (Nestan); a lance pierced my mind and heart. (Asmat'h) came, I gave her the partridges, she took them from me who was burned with fire. Ah me! since then in eternal furnace I burn!"

333. Now failed that light which despised even the sun; he could tell no more, he fainted, groaning bitterly. The knight (Avt'handil) and Asmat'h wept; the vicinage re-echoed their voices. They said gloomily: "The arms that brought to nought heroes[6] are become useless, alas!"

334. Asmat'h sprinkled water (upon him), Taria came back to consciousness; for a long time he could not speak, melancholy bound and overcame his heart; he sat down and moaned, bitterly, his tears were mingled with the earth; he said: "Woe is me! what a great agitation is her memory to me!

335. "Trusters in Fortune have their pick of her gifts, they are lucky, but at last are not spared her treachery; I praise the prudence of those sages who oppose her. Hearken to my tidings if life remain in me!

336. "They took in the partridges; I could make no way

  1. Sirino, Gr.
  2. Abano, Lat. balneum.
  3. Ch. here inserts a quatrain (339).
  4. 'Duradji, A.
  5. Sali, 567, 1316.
  6. Gmiri, 290, 1365.