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Lebanon; let us, therefore, be content with the hyssop of the valley. (St. F. of Sales.)

It is better to blame yourself a thousand times than only once to lay the blame on others. —


How beautiful it is to behold the poor, when one considers them in God and the light in which Jesus Christ regarded them! (Spiritual Maxims of St Vincent of Paul.)

The perfection of divine love does not consist in ecstasies; it consists in doing the will of God. (Id.)

Sickness is not an evil which we should fear, but a most efficacious means of sanctifying our souls. To murmur when God sends it, is to complain of His having done us good. (Id.)

One of the greatest evils that can afflict a community is a member who will murmur at every thing, complain of and contradict every thing. (Id.)

The salvation of a soul is so important, that in order to secure it, we should expose not only our property, but our lives. (Id.)

The spirit of Jesus Christ is one of uprightness and sincerity. He that is called to glorify