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this loving God ought to act according to His spirit. (Id.)

None are fit for the works of God but those who have profound humility and a sincere contempt for themselves. (Id.)

Woe to him who seeks his own ease! Woe to him who shuns the cross; because he will find others so weighty that they will overwhelm him. (Id.)

Charity is the cement of souls, which unites all the faithful together; it departs not when it can be useful, but it is neither rash nor hasty, by intruding itself at an unseasonable time. (St. Augustine.)

Speak little and mildly, little and well, little and simply, little and frankly, little and affably. (St. F. of Sales.)

The complacency which we take in ourselves, removes us from God. (Nepveu.)

We do more for others by correcting ourselves than by wishing to correct them. (Id.)

The virtue of the patient man is preferable to miracles and wonders. (St. Gregory the Great.)

Meekness, sweetness of heart, and equality of temper are virtues more rare than chastity. (St. F. of Sales.)