Page:Margaret Fuller Ossoli (Higginson).djvu/278

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also to have the Pole, as he is a distinguished person; but how to find him, the time being so short? Really I do not know what to do, and I requested you to take advice of Ser Giovanni, if you think best; to tell him that the person whom we decided on for a godfather is too far off for us to get him in season, and plan to inform me what can be done. If not, I will try to provide differently; as far as I see, it is a somewhat difficult matter. You say that you are surprised the doctor should leave Rome, but it was necessary, since there are absolutely no foreigners in Rome.

“Saluting you dearly, and giving you, with our dear love, a kiss, I am yourG. A. Ossoli.”


Rieti, 15th October, 1848.

… “Think always in seeking a house for me, not to pledge me to stay in Rome. It seems to me often that I cannot stay long without seeing the baby. He is so dear, and life seems to me so uncertain, I do not know how to leave my dear ones. Take the apartment for a short time. It is necessary that I should be in Rome at least a month, to write, and also to be near you, but I wish to be free to return here if I feel too anxious for him, too suffering. O love, how difficult is life! But you, you are good; if it were only possible for me to make you happy!”


Rome, 21st October, 1848.

Mia Cara, — I learn by yours of the 20th that you have received the ten scudi, and it makes me more tranquil. I feel also Mogliani’s indolence in not coming to