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nate. Only in that way will the Austrian Empire become the great European power before which all the nations will bow and tremble. Oh, just one more decade of patient work, and I shall see that I have not lived and planned in vain. Even you, Miss Felsenburk, who look at me so reproachfully now, even you will have to admit the greatness of my undertaking.”

“I shall not be where I can congratulate your majesty on such a great victory,” the young lady replied, and tears filled her eyes, as she arose to depart.

“You are weeping, Maria Felicia, and that through my fault?” the Emperor exclaimed, suddenly softened. “And you are leaving me already?”

The young lady shrugged her shoulders, as much as to say: “What can I do? There is nothing left for me to do here; I must find another way to realize my hope.”

“You are turning against me because I refuse to endorse your plans, in which, I admit, you have assigned me a grateful part. But