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think once more, sensibly, about what you have advised, and you will surely admit that you have planned impossible things. Compare them with my plans, and you will see that mine surprised you because of their novelty, and unfavorably impressed you because they opposed yours. I am sure that if you study my plans deeply you will like them and admit their great significance for the future. As a friend who wishes me immortality you will even become inspired with them.”

The Countess waved her hand toward the Emperor, as if she wanted to banish the faintest shadow of such a suspicion.

“Still excited? I see that no understanding is possible between us to-day, and that I must dismiss you as you wish. Knowing of the disaster that grieved you, and the peculiarities of your nature, I do not reproach you for leaving me thus, although I had hoped for a different result from our interview. I shall leave this evening; so good-bye. I hope that when we meet again you will be reconciled to me, and that you will gladly help me