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The Tragicall History

Let us salute his reverend Fatherhood.

Behold my Lord the Cardinals are return'd.

Welcome grave Fathers, answere presently,
What hath our holy councell there decreed
Concerning Bruno and the Emperor,
In quittance of their late conspiracy
Against our State and Papall dignitie?

Most sacred Patron of the Church of Rome,
By full consent of all the Synod
Of Priests and Prelates, it is thus decreed:
That Bruno, and the Germane Emperor
Be held as Lollards and bold Schismatiques,
And proud disturbers of the churches peace.
And if that Bruno by his owne assent,
Without enforcement of the Germane Peeres,
Did seeke to weare the triple Diadem,
And by your death, to climbe Saint Peters chaire,
The Statutes decretall have thus decreed,
He shall be straight condemn'd of heresie,
And on a pile of faggots burnt to death.

It is enough, here, take him to your charge,
And beare him straight to Ponto Angelo,
And in the strongest tower enclose him fast;
To morrow sitting in our Consistorie,
With all our colledge of grave Cardinals,
We will determine of his life or death.
Here, take his triple crowne along with you,
And leave it in the churches treasurie.
Make haste againe, my good Lord Cardinalls,
And take our blessing apostolicall.

So, so, was never Devill thus blest before.

Away sweet Mephosto. be gone,
The Cardinals will be plagu'd for this anon.

Exit Faustus and Mephosto.

Go presently, and bring a banquet forth,
That we may solemnize Saint Peters feast,
And with Lord Raymond, King of Hungarie,
Drink to our late and happie victorie. Exeunt.