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of Doctor Faustus

A Sonet while the Banquet is brought in, and then Enter
Faustus and Mephostophilis in their
owne shapes.

Now Faustus come prepare thy selfe for mirth,
The sleepy Cardinals are hard at hand,
To censure Bruno, that is posted hence,
And on a proud pac'd steed, as swift as thought,
Flies ore the Alpes to fruitfull Germany,
There to salute the wofull Emperor.

The Pope will curse them for their sloth today,
That slept both Bruno and his Crowne away:
But now that Faustus may delight his minde,
And by their folly make some meriment,
Sweet Mephostophilis so charme me here,
That I may walke invisible to all,
And do what ere I please, unseene of any.

Faustus, thou shalt, then kneele downe presently.
Whilst on thy head I lay my hand,
And charme thee with this Magicke wand.
First weare this Girdle, then appeare
Invisible to all are here:
The Planets seven, the gloomy Ayre,
Hell and the Furies forked hair,
Plutoes blue fire, and Hecats Tree,
With Magicke spels so compasse thee,
That no eye may thy body see.

So Faustus, now for all their holinesse,
Do what thou wilt, thou shalt not be discern'd.

Thanks Mephosto. now Friers take heed,
Let Faustus make your shaven Crownes to bleed.

Faustus no more: see where the Cardinals come.

Enter Pope and all the Lords. Enter the Cardinals
with a Booke.

Welcome Lord Cardinals: come sit downe.
