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The Tragicall History

Lord Raymond, take your seat, Fryers attend,
And see that all things are in readinesse,
As best beseems this solemne festivall.

1. Card.
First, may it please your sacred Holinesse,
To view the sentence of the reverend Synod,
Concerning Bruno and the Emperor.

What needs this question? Did I not tell you,
To morrow we would sit i'th Consistory,
And there determine of his punishment:
You brought us word even now, it was decreed,
That Bruno and the cursed Emperor
Were by the holy Councell both condemn'd
For loathed Lollords, and base Schismatikes:
Then wherefore would you have me view that booke?

1. Card.
Your Grace mistakes, you gave us no such charge.

Deny it not, we all are witnesses
That Bruno here was late delivered you,
With his rich triple Crowne to be reserv'd
And put into the Churches treasury.

Amb. Card.
By holy Paul we saw them not.

By Peter you shall dye,
Unlesse you bring them forth immediatly.
Hale them to prison, lade their limbs with gyves:
False Prelates for this hatefull trecherie,
Curst be your soules to hellish misery.

So, they are safe: now Faustus to the feast,
The Pope had never such a frolike guest.

Lord Archbishop of Reames, sit downe with us.

I thanke your Holinesse.

Fall to, the Devill choake you an you spare.

Who's that spoke? Fryers looke about.
Lord Raymond pray fall to: I am beholden
To the Bishop of Millaine, for this so rare a present.

I thanke you sir.

How now? who snatcht the meat from me?
Villaines, why speake ye not?
My good Lord Archbishop, here's a most dainty dish,
Was sent me from a Cardinall in France.
