Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/108

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Galloping Dick

upon either side. And what does I do then, but without more consideration and on the sudden suggestion, scramble into an open window of a house that overhung the alley.

I was fair mad with myself to have been put to this ignominy, and all for a beggarly crew that I could ha’ driven with a bean-pole; and gently pulling to the casement, I cursed Old Irons for a daft, racket-pated old scoundrel. But just then there was an interruption on my thoughts in a little frightened cry that came from the interior of the room. This made me turn, for the Lord knew into what further mischief I had fallen. The room was in darkness save for one feeble light that was in the back part. And here, to my exceeding surprise, I perceived that I was come into a bed-chamber. But no sooner were my eyes on the bed itself and the disarray of the coverlets, than they fell next upon a second discovery, still more deranging. For there, cowering in a corner and wrapped in an elegant sort of nightrail, was a young miss, hiding her face, and all ashiver from terror. This took me off