Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/109

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Of the Lady’s Chamber

my fury forthright, for I was not the man to scarify a woman so, save now and then in the common course of business. Moreover, I was also at the moment mightily disconcerted myself with the traps outside, and so without more ado I stepped further into the room, and, “Madam,” says I, very courteously, “I would ask your pardon upon this trespass, but I am in a sweat for liberty, and I will swear but I mean no harm by you.”

“Who are you?” she asked in a trembling voice, and getting the clothes about her more warmly.

“Why,” says I promptly, blowing away like a grampus, “I am a poor rebel against His Majesty, who is like to be taken and done for at the hands of an accursed Law.”

“You will be killed?” she said.

I nodded. “Dead as mutton,” I answered.

“Upon the scaffold?” she whispers, looking very startled.

“You may call it that,” says I.

“Oh!” she cries, drawing in her breath and regarding me very pitifully.