Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/262

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Galloping Dick

grow stale for the lack of the likes of you.”

“Tut, tut!” he cries with acerbity, “you ride a jest to death. I like a man that plays upon more strings than one,” and then, “Come, Ryder, you will observe that I do not twit you with the Road.”

“Oh, damn the Road,” I retorted in a roystering way. “I am in the mind to expend the night after quite another fashion; and had you the spirit of a louse, ’twould be to one of them same ladies you would offer to present me.”

At that his mouth suddenly quivered, and, his eyes sparkling, he laughed faintly.

“But,” says he, “you should consider my profession. Where is my livelihood, should I loose you on my private liberties?”

“Maybe,” said I, smacking my pockets, “we can arrange that atween us.”

“Ah,” said he, turning grave of a sudden, “here’s sense and a commendable business habit?”

I winked at him, “Said is done,” says I, and