Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/263

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Of a Meeting near Fulham

leaning forward, very facetious, dug my knuckles at his waistband.

Upon my motion, and very instantaneously, he withdrew his body out of range, and, his whole face changing, directed on me a short imperious gaze that stayed me in the act. Now I was fairly loosed by the liquor I had boused, to say nothing of the issues of my previous flights, and I could not conjecture to this day what inspired me with the recognition, specially in that bibulous state. But the fact was that throughout our intercourse I had had a growing uncertainty of him, and now, with that flash of his eyes, the discovery came upon me like a thunder-clap, and I fell aback, dazed and disordered, with the knowledge that here was His Gracious Majesty himself that had been my companion!

The revelation abashed me outright, and I stood staring on him, with all my wits aflow, the similitude of his features to the effigies I had seen of him gathering clearer with each moment.

But I suppose he referred my embarrassment