Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/268

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Galloping Dick

the temper of a shrew; and says she very coldly, and with an angry look at Old Rowley,

“I am honoured indeed by this gentleman’s admiration,” and then flinging herself into a chair, she cries petulantly, “Lard, what whimsy would you be at now?”

But Old Rowley starts as with surprise, and speaking in a pained voice—“When I tell you, Madam,” he says, “that Captain Ryder has kindly offered to instruct me in the delights of the King’s highway, you will see how much we should be indebted to him for the opportunity to add to our humble fortunes.”

But Madam shrugged her shoulders, and gave vent to a sigh of weariness—seeing which, I presumed to speak up for myself.

“’Tis true enough, Madam,” I says, stepping a pace forward, “what this old humourist says, but sure, he has put it so ceremonious that I scarce recognise the bargain. For ’twas concluded atween us both that, if so be yourself, as was like, being out of stomach with him, should be agog for a new ligby, why here’s