Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/269

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Of a Meeting near Fulham

a claimant for the honour,” with which I flings my glove to the floor.

Her ladyship burst out laughing very sourly, and turning to Old Rowley—

“Is this true?” she asked.

Now I had thought to see him wince at my impudent suggestion, but, Lord, nothing of the kind.

“Why,” he says, with a pretty smile, “’tis set somewhat coarsely, but—” and then, after a show of confusion—“Captain Ryder, you will perceive, would leave you every liberty of selection.”

“I should be accustomed,” says she scornfully, “to be subjected to your vagaries;” and stopped abruptly, seeming to reflect.

Presently she looked up at me with a different face.

“Captain Ryder,” she says with a smile, “you will doubtless pardon my seeming rudeness, but this news has fallen of the suddenest. I make no doubt but we shall be better acquainted presently.”

“Indeed,” I replied grandly. “Better ac-